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About Us

Violet Crown Soap Company is a family owned business. I hand-craft our products in our home in Austin, Texas.

I love figuring out which ingredients blend to make a batch of soap. Sometimes the idea for a soap will come full blown; other times I spend hours deliberating over a detail. When that happens, I consult the research staff - my sisters, my sons, or my friends. One of them always has the answer.

It is such a kick to take a big pot of oils and butters, stir in lye and water and watch as it begins its transformation into soap. No matter how many times I do it, I'm like a kid at Christmas when it's time to unmold and cut each batch - I can hardly wait!

Violet Crown soaps and lotions are made with vegetable oils - no animal or petroleum products. Many of our soaps use only essential oils. I do use fragrance oils in some soaps, because they just plain smell good! I label each product with the ingredients so you'll know what went into it before you put it on your skin. Click here to read more about the ingredients I've chosen for Violet Crown products.

If there's a particular blend or fragrance you're interested in, please let me know. I love to experiment, and I'm always interested in stirring up something new.

Thanks for your interest in Violet Crown Soap Company. I hope you enjoy using them as much as I enjoy making them for you.

Lea Stephens Sandoz